user since
Mon Feb 5 2007 at 03:18:52 (17.4 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jul 6 2009 at 08:32:43 (14.9 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / -6
mission drive within everything
Unforgivable acts of usage
Writing, painting, opera and ennui
(infrequently) The University of New Mexico
Live or stay alive?
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Whatever has happened thus far has rendered me almost incapable of writing these things. I smoke a lot, enough that I probably take that more seriously than anything else I do. Am I serious about acquiring cancer? No. I just really don't do much of anything else. When I'm not smoking, I enjoy long walks in the bramble-patches of New Mexico, writing fiction, reading and singing opera. Other hobbies of mine include getting mucked up and writing things that seem completely foolish on my profile pages, Do what you love. You have two options, you can live or stay alive. I grew up among those brambles, don't give that a second thought.