12:32 EST

Oh. My. God.

What a day. The first day of school was a madhouse, as it always is. After an uneventful staff meeting, we tackled the crowd of students lining up in the lobby. Most of the problems were quite ordinary, but complicated by a number of things. One disturbed woman, who kept tearing up forms on the counter, made her ordinary problem extraordinary with her attitude. The computer systems that contain student records (There are two: an older one with a relatively primitive interface, and a poorly designed newer one with annoying and useless features that no one can figure out, thus we all use both.) went down intermittently, first one, then the other, and they’d go up and down during the course of a single conversation with a student.

This semester’s crop of University Experience students seem promising. They were quiet, as they always are in the beginning, and there was one flamboyant but endearing loudmouth, as there always is. At first there were about 10-12 students, but then they stated trickling in one by one for the next half hour. We’ll see how many of them end up in my class, and how many we’ll have to shuffle off to other sections. A large percentage of them are transfer students, so that means I’ll have to monkey with the course to gear it more towards their interests and needs. Hell, I still have to schedule all of the damn semester anyway. I’m such a slacker

Got into the Aristophanes class but I found out it’s Wednesday and not Tuesday, which necessitated much stressful rearranging of my schedule and appointments for the week. I’m an idiot.

Had lunch with a friend of mine and caught up on the juicy gossip regarding a couple we know in the process of splitting up. Sad, to be sure, but inevitable because they probably shouldn’t have been married in the first place, and the inherent differences are only exacerbated by their immaturity and inability to communicate with each other. Unfortunately, there’s a small child involved, which is most likely the reason they haven’t divorced ages ago.

Spent about 40 minutes in traffic because I had a craving for a Filet O’Fish sandwich and went to the wrong (as far as local traffic flow goes) McDonalds. Skipped Boston Public and Ally McBeal to play racquetball with a friend. It was fun, and God knows I need the exercise with this desk job I’ve got now.

Now I’m home, unwinding and putting off badly needed sleep. Right now, I’m tracking down some plagiarized nodes here. Remember kids: Write Your Own Stuff. You can’t escape the Plagiarism Police.