"I mainly taught myself ... except there were a few mistakes that I've just recently cleared up."--DJ Shadow, Building Stem With a Grain of Salt

Wake up. Shower. Class. In English we had our open ended midterm papers to write. I wrote 8 sides of bullshit. Slept through music lit. History too I think.

At lunch we were discussing the correlation between penis size and shoe size. The girls didn't believe what I told them, not that they'd want me to prove it or anything. Nothing else of note at lunch.

Went on to Chemistry, our teacher was sick and had to leave to get sick during class, not cool. We were doing review over all the chapters, but we didn't really get much accomplished. In Algebra 2 we had another midterm thing to do. I did okay, but prolly would have done better being prepared.

Then came sociology, we were handing in our books, so I had to go to my locker to get mine. At the locker to the left of mine who did I see but Feng Ye, whom I had been ignoring for over two months now due to her meanness. She opens her mouth.

"How did you do?"


"Andrew? Andrew?"


"On the math thing, how did you do"

I dunno.

"You know you don't talk much anymore"

I do. Just not to certain people

And I walked away.

Could I have simply not answered her? Could I have had a change of heart and not been an asshole? Who knows, who cares. I got a 91 as my quarter grade in sociology. Going home I got stuck next to some slutted up bitch and her friends on the bus, what fun.

Who knows what the evening shall bring?