Ro*ga"tion (?), n. [L. rogatio, fr. rogare, rogatum, to ask, beg, supplicate: cf. F. rogation. Cf. Abrogate, Arrogant, Prorogue.]

1. Rom. Antiq.

The demand, by the consuls or tribunes, of a law to be passed by the people; a proposed law or decree.

2. Eccl.

Litany; supplication.

He perfecteth the rogations or litanies before in use.

Rogation days Eccl., the three days which immediately precede Ascension Day; -- so called as being days on which the people, walking in procession, sang litanies of special supplication. -- Rogation flower Bot., a European species of milkwort (Polygala vulgaris); -- so called from its former use for garlands in Rogation week. Dr. Prior. -- Rogation week, the second week before Whitsunday, in which the Rogation days occur.


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