Hey, pal. Lemme see some--

Wait, hey-- Yo!


Look 'ere, palsy, I need to see some ID.

No, I don't care what metaphysical construct of the self you've cobbled together. The sign says "must be over 21 to enter," so's if your psychological and philosophical identity and-or affiliated persona don't gotta license, I ain't lettin' you in.

Got that?

Oh don't feed me that bull about self-verification 'n behavioral confirmation, this ain't no identity negotiation, I just gotta check yer ID. And not the one with the ego 'n superego.

Yeah, okay, bub, fork it over, lemme see what you got.

The fuck is this?

Transitive? Transitive ain't a state!

I mean it ain't part of the You-Ess-Of-Ayy!

No, I don't care about the paradoxical nature of--

Okay, you know what?

Beat it, kid. Come back when you're old enough to drink, then you can go ahead and wax philosophical with the bar tender. I ain't got time for this.