This weekend was cool. CR, my brother, and I went to an astronomy stargazing thing on saturday night, but it was getting cold so we only stayed until around 10-11pm. I heard there was some meteor shower, but I only saw one, so I didn't want to stick around for it if it was going to be that slow. I found out later that it was going to peak around 2-5am. Ann couldn't make it because she had a research paper to finish, and Sara was in the keys for the weekend with some honors students doing some community service activities.

Today Ann and CR came over and we went rollerblading for an hour. I haven't gone for that long before, and while my feet hurt a little bit, it wasn't all that bad. I was actually doing better than they were as far as getting tired. I guess I've been exercising more lately than they have though. It was cool though. After that, we rested for a while then went and blew all of our exercise on eating at Wendys :) Oh well, it all balances out...