Another year (millenium for the nit-pickers) and still no sign of cash. Well, fine - may I never forget that the important things in life don't have a price tag.
Things to do today:
  • no noding, no blogging, an all-out moratorium on the computer! (well, maybe just check my email...)
  • after the moratorium dies in the arse and a number of screen-glued hours have passed, start getting ready for tonight's party
  • lavish dinner with my best friends in the world, gift-giving (xmas for family, new year's eve for friends)
  • finish that bottle of fine irish whiskey
  • throw up in someone's front yard
  • node something stupid about it
here's to a good night! everyone, if you can't be good, be careful; if you can't be careful, for god's sake don't name it everything2.