Things happen to me in threes. If one person that I know dies, I can be absolutely certain that two more will. If one good thing happens, two more will follow. I realize that this is probably all in my head, but it's real to me. This is my tale of three birds.

About 10 days ago a bird got caught in my stovepipe. We could hear it fluttering and trying to escape. I tried all sorts of ways to get it out, but no luck. Finally, as expected, after 2 days the poor bird got exhausted and fell into my stove. My 9 year old son and I opened the stove slowly, caught the tiny sparrow, took it outside and set it free. As it flew off to freedom, we both smiled. It felt good. Two days later I go camping in a cabin with my son's cub scout group. As I go upstairs to pack our stuff and go home, I see a hummingbird trapped inside the building. I catch it gently and after showing it to some of the scouts, I set it free. It sits in my hand for a minute before flying away, and I am amazed at it's tiny beaty. I feel good. This week my best friend moved away. Her Indian name is Bird. Bird has struggled with drug addictions, domestic violence, sexual abuse, depression, and endless other problems. I've helped her some, and she's helped me through some of my problems. I know Bird needs to fly free, but it doesn't feel so good. Or maybe it does. I am amazed at the lessons we are presented if we only have the eyes and the heart to see them.