As you wish.
Interpretationi in Latinam
Nautae puellas pulchras amant
Poëtae sapientes nautas amant
Puellae saepe nautas amant
Poëtae mali puellas pulchras amant
Puellae malae agricolas amant
Omnes poëtae agricolas oderunt
Puellae malae puellas bonas oderunt
Puellae bonae omnes nautas amant
Puellae malae puellas malas amant
Agricolae omnes poëtas oderunt
Puellae bonae poëtas malos amant
The vocabulary of the exercise is mostly that learned in first year Latin, with the exception of odio, a somewhat more difficult fourth conjugation verb. Poëta, nauta, and agricola all happen to belong to a category of nouns that appear feminine in gender and declension, but actually require masculine adjectives.
And with that I'll stop ruining the poem.