Found on the net and now on E2:Background.
Given a community A and an adjacent community C, such that A is prosperous and populous, and C is less populous and prosperous, and given non-reciprocal interest of C in the internal affairs of A, often C will need ego compensation by occasionally noisy and noisome display of its superiority over A. In this case C is said to be the _canada_ of A, C = canada(A).
For example, it has been previously established that:
canada(California) = Oregon
canada(New York) = New Jersey
canada(Australia) = New Zealand
canada(England) = Scotland
The Fractal Theory of Canada.
For all A there exists C such that
C = canada(A)
For example,
canada(USA) = Canada
canada(Canada) = Quebec
canada(Quebec) = Celine Dion
It would appear that the hierarchy would bottom out an individual. However an individual is actually a community of tissues, tissues of cells, cells of molecules, and so forth down into the quantuum froth.
canada(brain) = pineal gland
canada(intestines) = colon
canada(electron) = neutrino
and so on. There is no bottom.
“My God! It’s full of Canadas!”