user since
Sun Jan 22 2006 at 18:41:16 (18.4 years ago )
last seen
Sat Jan 28 2006 at 18:44:42 (18.4 years ago )
level / experience
0 (Initiate) / 0
mission drive within everything
Rock and roll
Songwriting, singing, playing guitar, writing and reading everything, listening to as much music as possible, horseback riding, foreign languages, studying linguistics
Je pense, donc je ne suis pas Bush.
most recent writeup
Tears of Rage (thing)
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Let me introduce myself. I'm William Bradley, an eminent scholar in the field of applied psychology...oh sorry. Wrong introduction. My wires must be failing.

Ahem. Let me introduce myself, take two. I'm an odd 18-year-old female from New England with advanced intelligence and regressed ability to make use of it. I choose to be childish some of the time, in simpler words.

I don't copy, except when I copy shamelessly. I only develop celebrity crushes on guys who've been dead for years. Speaking of that, I'm relatively straight, though bisexual and lesbian friends of mine do tend to develop crushes on me, and I can't say I dislike it.

I sing and play guitar in a cozy little band. I chose not to go to school for the first fifteen years of my life. I now attend an absolutely insane high school for teenagers with artistic urges, which offers classes in music, theatre, dance, and "visual arts". I used to be shy of performing, but now I'm becoming quite the little ham.

I hate George Bush, though one of my best friends is a staunch Republican, and I love her dearly. I hate -ists: racists, sexists, ageists, you name it, I hate it. I hate people in general--though I am also paradoxically fascinated by them--and think animals are much better.

I can be incredibly sweet and affectionate. I can be a total bitch. It all depends on you, my friend. I'm very loyal, though. I think. I've experienced quite a lot of good and bad in many varying forms during my short life, and I'm ready for..."something completely different", as Monty Python would say.

I am many different subcultures, from various times: a Bohemian of the mid-19th century, a Wandervogel of the 1890's, a Dadaist of the 1910's, a member of the Lost Generation of the 1920's, a surrealist of the 1930's, an avant-garde artist of the 1940's, a Beat poet of the 1950's, a hippie of the 1960's, a punk of the 1970's. I am also a Yippie, a Merry Prankster, a Rocker, a Freak, and a Radical. Call me what you wish, it makes no difference to who I am.

I have opinions on everything, except when I choose not to. I love to sing. Music makes me happy. School, for me, is definitely not a place to socialize. It is merely and exclusively a place to learn. But I am becoming bored with my classes. I want to be a polyglot! I love German, and am also trying to learn Portuguese, French, and Esperanto. I am weakly related to Arthur Miller. I use odd words at inappropriate times. I am scarily open-minded, though I have values, mind you. I should have been born in 1950. I was Hippie Santa for Hallowe'en. I have much more information for you on any subject, most of it false.

"Ask and ye shall receive" vs. "Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies."

You decide who wins.