Near Matches
Ignore Exact
Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!
full fathom five
Things I Thought I Would Never Hear Myself Say
Sea Change
The Waste Land
In a quiet grove of pines under a frosty sky, he helped her out of the sack. She wore severe white hospital pajamas and was beautiful.
When a boy comes over, always have something baking
The Tempest
I remember when it was me who made her skin flush
A Game of Chess
Geek pick-up lines
The Poisonwood Bible
Shakespeherian Rag
Nikola Tesla
You stole what they would have given you
one silent second
Cleaning the scent of onions off your hands
Who's been messin' with my laser?
It's nothing to listen to, just some memories
Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
full fathom five
Warm boot the human brain
deep one
Sonnet CLIII
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