The feeling an epileptic may get before having a seizure. The aura is a partial seizure during which there is a distortion of the senses and no loss of consciousness. In many cases, epileptics can learn to recognise an aura and get themself to a safe place before a more physically disabling seizure takes place. Auras most often manifest as a feeling of extreme fear or elation, or hallucinations, either of vision, hearing, smell, or taste.

Greek goddess of the morning breeze. Aura was a vengeful goddess, as Cephalos would attest:

Cephalos was a consort to Eos, aka Aurora. Aura made advances on him, which he refused, being faithful to his wife, Procris. Aura was angered, and caused him to accidentally kill his wife. During one meeting between Aura and Cephalos, Procris was driven to hide in a bush to listen. However, Cephalos heard the bushes rustle, thought it was a wild animal, threw his spear and killed his wife.

The visual manifestation of the Chi, or spiritual energy surrounding an object or person. Different colors seen are believed to signify many different states of health, mood, or personality.

Auras can be described as a fuzzy outline around the object in question, but the more experienced will be able to see artifacts such as brilliant explosions of light, or writhing snakes of color, depending on how energetic the object in question is.

Viewing Auras

While some may pass this off as some crazy mystic ritual only available to those born inclined to the more paranormal, reading, or viewing another's aura can be done by almost anyone. In truth, it really is done by almost anyone. You just haven't noticed it yet. Somewhere along the line our minds are just wired to ignore them.

To view an aura, you must simply not look for it. This may sound silly, but it actually takes a certain kind of concentration. The kind of concentration when carrying a very full and very hot cup of coffee. You do want to pay attention to the cup, since you obviously don't want it to spill on your trousers, but if you pay too much attention you will still spill it. You have to relax, and give it just the right amount of attention.

Something to start you off on the right foot, would be to pick a white background, or some other very close to white color. Place something that is of a solid color in front of this background.

Take a deep breath. Relax a little, and gaze at it. Look at the edge of the object with the aforementioned lack of focus, you may see a small white fuzz, or cloud around it. You may have to let your eyes go out of focus, or look slightly past the object. Another thing that might help, is to start thinking about something else. If you're still paying just enough attention, you will start to see the aura.

With practice you can perfect the technique. With more experience you will be able to see more and more of an aura, and perhaps begin to see different colors.


Whose name means breeze, was the daughter of a Phrygian woman named Periboea and the Titan Lelantus. She was as swift as the wind and was one of Artemis' hunting companions. Dionysus loved her and tried vainly to catch her while she ran but she was lighter and always escaped until, at Dionysus' request, Aphrodite struck her with madness so that she yielded to him. She had twin sons by Dionysus but destroyed them in her madness and threw herself into the river Sangarius. Zeus changed her into a stream. One of her twin sons was Inachus.


Table of Sources:
- Nonnus, Dion. 48, 242ff.
- Etymol. Magn. s.v. Δινδυμον

Au"ra (?), n.; pl. Aurae (). [L. aura air, akin to Gr. .]


Any subtile, invisible emanation, effluvium, or exhalation from a substance, as the aroma of flowers, the odor of the blood, a supposed fertilizing emanation from the pollen of flowers, etc.

2. Med.

The peculiar sensation, as of a light vapor, or cold air, rising from the trunk or limbs towards the head, a premonitory symptom of epilepsy or hysterics.

Electric ~, a supposed electric fluid, emanating from an electrified body, and forming a mass surrounding it, called the electric atmosphere. See Atmosphere, 2.


© Webster 1913.

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