A preset, in the theatrical lighting sense, can be one of two thing.

Firstly, it could be the lighting state that the stage is in while the audience enter the auditorium. Called a preset, because it is how the lights are set, pre-show.

The other thing that a preset can be is a state on the lighting desk that can be controlled by a single fader, or flash button. Presets, in this context, are most useful when doing the plot. You would have different washes, for example, on different presets, so you wouldn't have to put 6 or so seperate channels up each time you wanted that state in a cue. Instead, you would just push the preset fader up to the level that you want the wash to be at.

If you're after any other theatre tech information, then do take a look at 'Everything you ever wanted to know about theatre tech, but were afraid to ask'

A preset is generically a setting or group of settings which can be recalled at will. The primary example of such a thing is the ability to store the frequencies of your favorite radio stations and recall them at will later simply by pressing a button or two. Pipe organs (and other organs) also have presets which can be used to change tones, and jump back and forth between them. Non-pipe organs use their presets to select between several unconvincing sounds such as brass, string, and wood. This latter type of preset cannot be altered.

The word "preset" is also used to describe factory (or default) settings, or options which have been set for you before you get some device (like a TV or stereo) or piece of software. These settings will typically be the ones desired by the largest number of users.

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