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Head West! Colonize an already-inhabited place! (place)
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Thu Aug 29 2002 at 6:40:36
the Horace
Columbus Day Weekend
every year
The Salad House, the Newhaus, big pink: even before we've settled on a name, we know we want you to be welcome. In 2004, there's even a backyard. More details as the date approaches. After all, Columbus Day is in October!
Te occidere possunt sed te edere non possunt nefas est
Why I stopped shopping at Best Buy
E2 Annex
I miss you, damn you for being so damn amazing
Deconstruction of every single television advertisement, ever
Two States, Five Senses: The Michigan and New York Apple Gathering
E2 Gatherings
Even though I sleep terribly with another body in the bed
When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
Address to Malkin Bowl
Story For An Advanced Child
On losing my strip-club cherry
Columbus Day
eating out alone (as a composition)
Don't encourage people to read
Bus door mechanism
Dear Willa (from Portland)
Cold heart, bitter coffee
You may be a noder, but you ain't no dancer
Every time I look at this picture, I feel a little more in love