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I wanted Mary to cry blood (person)
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Thu Oct 19 2000 at 3:33:08
she says.
I want her to cry blood or something equally dramatic, kneel down, maybe,
touch my face
, maybe. Or smile. It's not so much. No one else need see it and
I will never tell
. Her low-lidded sleepy eyes are not looking at anything I can see.
I am here for a miracle, Mary, can't you see one is needed?
I need a rapture.
I need a window in, into anything you can show me.
When the moon first rose
I was not there to see it. I don't know the details,
I wasn't invited.
That has never stopped making me wince.
(Am I selfish in all of this? Is she?)
Alone in a darkened church.
Alone, mumbling.
I might be mistaken for a crazy person, a speaking-in-tongues person, a person who has been touched or spoken to from on high. I am none of those. I am not driven mad. If I mutter or gesture it is only an attempt to call something out. Like getting drunk to see if you're an alcoholic. Like seeing how far over a line you can go before you can't get back. Like risking a fall, to see if there is anyone waiting to catch you. Like begging for anything true.
Mary, I suppose it is possible that you are waiting for a sign from me.
If you want me to be a candle, I will be one. I will stand tall and I will let something burn.
I have always been burning.
I will grow still and strong. I will wait. I will close my eyes. If you will help me pray.
I have always been burning
Close your eyes, I will help you pray
Fifteen Promises of the Virgin Mary
blood drinking
There's a reason that a funeral is not a celebration
Mary Jane came over for dinner last night
Girls named Mary are trouble
You sad cookie, you CARE more about filthy rich pretty people you'll never meet
about an Alice
The Bruces' Philosophers Song
The way things have always been done
A once noble nation reduced to a corpse in armor
The Enemies of Our Enemies
Mother Mary
American Psycho
I am much too rough, much too edgy.
Hoodoo of limited efficacy (a love story)
Blood and Oil
Flying Circus
been through the fire