SNF@8/21/2002.12:33 = 25.5
MNF@8/21/2002.12:33 = 3
CR@8/21/2002.12:33 = 20/177 (11.3%)
/me misses hermetic
I am just some_guy you met on the street.
What are you reading my bio for, you
hardly know me! Dirty little voyeur!
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----Wanna try my theme?
Version: 3.1
GCS/O d- s+:++>+:+ a-- C++>$ UL>++ UA>++ L+>++++
P--- E>++ W+>++ N++>+++ o? K- W O? M PS++ PE- PGP t+@
5+ X->! R+@ tv b++ DI++@ D+ G e>++++ h! r- y? UF+
I call this one Amiga's revenge(1.3). It is a bit buggy, since the terminal font seems to ignore the nodelets when it comes to size, so if it is too big for you, replace the existing ekw_textfont with
'ekw_textfont="arial";'before sending to the cannery. If you use this, and like it, /msg me! perhaps we can start an informal list of E2 Amigans?
ekw_alinkcolor="#ffff10"; ekw_bgcolor="#6a5acd"; ekw_headingfont="terminal, lucidia console, system, arial"; ekw_linkcolor="#cb813a"; ekw_logoaccenttext="#6a5acd"; ekw_logobackground="#cd853f"; ekw_logoborder="#000000"; ekw_logofont="terminal, lucidia console, system, arial"; ekw_logofontsize="17pt"; ekw_logomaintext="#fffafa"; ekw_monofontsize="9pt"; ekw_oddrowcolor="#000000"; ekw_textcolor="#fffafa"; ekw_textfont="terminal, lucidia console, OCRA, system, arial"; ekw_textfontsize="12px"; ekw_vlinkcolor="#f4a460";
if you took the Everything2 alignment test, and are wondering what mine is, its Neutral Good.
once upon a time I wrote a poem about C!ing. It did not go over well. I still like it, so here it is:
Please do not thank mefor spending my C;
Instead, I thank thee
for a node that was worthy!
The nodes of which I am most proud:
The Liberal Agendayasashii
The failure of the American education system
reverse Polish notation
Medical transcriptionist
I eat my peas with honey
Sorry about the huge bookmark list. When I see something I want to C!, but lack the C!, I bookmark it. This has caused my homenode's size to grow out of hand. I'll clean house soon.