Polyester is a 1981 John Waters movie starring Divine, Edith Massey, David Samson, Mary Garlington, Mink Stole, Tab Hunter and Ken King.

Francine Fishpaw (Divine) is an obese housewife with an uncanny sense of smell. The movie originally included scratch and sniff Odorama cards to reflect certain smells Francine encountered in the movie. Francine is slowly driven insane by her husband Elmer (Samson), who owns and operates a local porn theatre, her glue-snorting son Dexter (King), who has a criminal foot fetish, and her teenage slut daughter Lu-lu (Garlington), who becomes pregnant and desires an abortion.

This film is widely regarded by Waters fans as the turning point of his filmmaking career, dividing low-budget trashfests from higher-budget trashfests.

Polyester is an artificial fabric that really came into fashion in the 70's. It is a fairly good fabric, as it has high resilliancy (the ability to bounce back from wrinkles) as well as high elasticity (the ability to stretch). It also cleans up fairly well, so long as you don't get oil paints in it. It drys in about 1/100th the time of cotton, so this fact combined with the fact that it doesn't wrinkle when you throw it on the floor makes it perfect for college students. the only real downfall of polyester is that it is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Other than that, it is a wonderful fabric and i suggest that you all raid your uncle's closet and steal those canary yellow and powder blue polyester slacks for yourselves.

In the early 1900's, Wallace Carothers discovered that using condensation reactions to hook up long chains of organic molecules would be an inexpensive way to generate high-quality polymers. One of his ideas for carrying this out was to create a polyester. Esters consist of two hydrocarbon groups linked by a COO group. Polyesters would consist of many hydrocarbon groups linked together in a chain by many COO groups.

.....-Hydrocarbon Group-COO-Hydrocarbon Group-COO-Hydrocarbon Group-COO-Hydrocarbon Group-COO-Hydrocarbon Group-COO-.....

To generate a polyester, two different monomers are required. One of the monomers must be a non-branching carbon chain with two primary alcohol groups. The other monomer must be a non-branching carbon chain with two carboxylic acid groups. Solutions of these two monomers are mixed together and then heated in the presence of an inorganic acid. This causes a condensation reaction to occur, alternately linking the monomers together in long chains.

Dacron, a commercial polyester invented by DuPont for use in textiles, is a product of the condensation reaction between the alcohol ethylene glycol (commonly know as anti-freeze) and terephthalic acid. The molecular structures of these molecules look like this:

      Ethylene glycol             Terephthalic Acid
           H   H                          __
           |   |                    O    /  \    O
   H - O - C - C - O - H            ||  / /\ \  ||
           |   |            H - O - C - \ \/ / - C - O - H
           H   H                         \__/

During the condensation reaction, the H atom on an alcohol group and the OH atoms on a carboxylic acid group split off their parent molecules and join together to form water. At the same time, the parent molecules unite at the points of the split to form an ester.

                      H - O - H                  H - O - H
                     /\     /\        __        /\     /\
           H   H     /       \  O    /  \    O  /       \     H   H
           |   |    /         \ ||  / /\ \  || /         \    |   |
   H - O - C - C - O ----><---- C - \ \/ / - C ----><---- O - C - C - O - H
           |   |                     \__/                     |   |
           H   H                                              H   H

Because both ends of each monomer have an attached alcohol or carboxylic acid group, long chains of multiple esters (otherwise known as polyester) form.

                             __                               __
           H   H       O    /  \    O       H   H       O    /  \    O
           |   |       ||  / /\ \  ||       |   |       ||  / /\ \  ||
   H - O - C - C - O - C - \ \/ / - C - O - C - C - O - C - \ \/ / - C - O - H
           |   |            \__/            |   |            \__/
           H   H                            H   H

These polyester chains, once formed, isolated, and purified, can be refined into fabric for use in clothing and other textiles.

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