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I am a 5th year student of Bashkir State University, specializing in linguistics. Other preferences too long to talk about.

Please, complete this questionnaire. There are some questions addressed especially to females and some questions to males. Please, indicate your full name, age, gender before your answers. Your responds you may send to my email address: . Deadline is 10 days. Thank you in advance.

1.A One of your friends introduces you to a person of the opposite sex, they are going to marry. It has appeared that this person is the same one with whom you had fun and hung out for several times and you still like that person very much. You think that you have many common interests. Your friend tells you about his intention and asks for your opinion. What would you say?

1.B Approximately the same situation as described in 1.A but you know something bad about that person and don’t want your best friend to suffer in future. What would you say?

2. One of your colleagues with whom you have worked for 10 years has been just fired because of staff cutting. He is the only person who helped you and showed you around when you came to this company. What would you advise him?

3. One of your colleagues has been offered a promotion, a better job, higher salary and opportunity for career enhancement, but this job is in another country. The thing is that he can’t take his family with him there, at least for a while. He asks for your advice. What would you say to him?

4. You are sitting at the coffee house and notice that a young couple is yelling at each other, some family problems. There are other people, but none stops them. You have decided to stop it. What would you advise them?

5. Imagine you are a teacher, a very good one. You feel responsibility for all your pupils. One of them has started to miss lessons, he gets poor marks in every subject. You have seen him in the evening in a bad company for several times. Before that, he got only good marks and he has solicitous parents. What would you advise him to do?

6. A best friend of yours fell in love with a girl, but he is very shy and can’t say about his feeling to her. Moreover, whenever he sees her he gets flustered and doesn’t know what to say, let alone a date. What would you advise him?

7. Imagine you are a coach of Martial Arts. You have a good group. All your disciples show a high level of training. Several days ago, a new-comer asked you to take him in your group. You notice that he doesn’t do good. What would you advise him if you got to know that a) he has lost an interest in training? b) he is eager to do it, but he doesn’t feel confident and lacks skills?

8.A If you are female, please, complete this question. You know a young couple, they love each other. Once you hear from your friend that someone is trying to attract her attention by sending flowers and writing letters where that guy talks about his feelings for her. Your friend is confused and at first even tried to get rid of him, but recently, that guy has presented her with a luxurious bracelet. What would you say if she asked for your opinion about all this?

8.B If you are male, please, complete this question. The same situation as described in 8.A but you are a friend of that guy who is trying to get that girl’s attention by giving expensive presents. What would you say to that guy?

9. Imagine you have worked at the firm for 15 years and know everyone. Other colleagues respect you and trust you. Recently, a new president of the firm, much younger than you are, has been appointed. At first, he wanted to show that he is superior and knows how to manage a firm, but he can’t find a way with the employees. What would you say to him if he asked for your advice?

10.A If you are female, please, complete this question. You are standing in the queue to buy something for you. There is a 35 years old man standing in front of you and choosing a present for his wife. The thing is that it’s a little bit difficult for him. What would you advise him to choose if he asked for your help?

10.B If you are male, please, complete this question. Your manager with whom you are on a friendly foot asked you to help her with a present, her husband is going to have a birthday and she doesn't know what to choose. What would you say if she asked for your advice?

11. One of your friends has told you that he has quarreled with his parents and is going to leave them. He says that they do not give him to feel free, to do what he wants and there is no mutual understanding between them. What would you advise him in this case?

12. Imagine you are sitting at the airport, going abroad, to Japan, for example, on business. A young girl sits crying next to you. It has turned out that she is going abroad to study at a elite university, far away from her parents. She has never left her family for so long and, in fact, is not so independent. Once you also made this choice in your life and succeeded. What would you advise her?

13. A friend of yours has a dog and he adores it very much. He is going to move into a new flat. It’s closer to his job, in a good neighborhood and not so far from the city center. The thing is that the owner of that house can’t stand animals at all. What would you advise your friend in this case?

14. A friend of yours is telling you that he has become a witness of a serious talk between the chairman of the company and the deputy chairman, by chance. They were talking about upcoming and inevitable staff cutting and mentioned his name among those to be dismissed. Your friend asks for your opinion what to do. What would you advise him?

15. Your friend is technically minded but the nearest technical college is in a big town far away from his place. Your friend is got used to this place doesn’t want to leave it, all his friends live here. What would you say if he asked for your advice?

16. If you are female, please, complete this question. Imagine your female friend has been offered a post of a manager at the prosperous company, but there are only men staff working there and they have never had an experience to work with a female boss. What would you advise your friend?

17. Your friend was late and missed a very important meeting abroad on which his future career depended. This happened due to the air-company’s fault. Your friend is very upset about that and doesn’t know what to do. What would you advise your friend?

18. You and your acquaintance are walking down the street. Suddenly, your acquaintance notices a wallet lying on the pavement that probably someone has lost. Your acquaintance picks it up and asks you what to do. There is no one around you. What would you advise your acquaintance?