user since
Tue Sep 4 2007 at 22:01:29 (16.7 years ago )
last seen
Sun Jan 27 2008 at 09:53:49 (16.4 years ago )
number of write-ups
1 - View supruzragain's writeups (feed)
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0 (Initiate) / 55
most recent writeup
Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Was it justified?
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Forgot the password to my old account, and the email address attached to it no longer exists. Oops!

Everyone can please stop messaging me. I'll just summarize your points in advance, to save you the trouble:

You: {insecure disagreement}
Me: {facts}
You: {disputatious bullshit}
Me: {facts}
You: {patriotic rhetoric}
Me: {facts}
You: {invincible ignorance}
Me: {permutations of "fuck"}

As you may have noticed, I just skip to the end of this process, to save time. The facts are in the writeup. Read it, by which I mean read all of it, by which I mean yes really read all of it. Or don't. Either way, don't pollute my inbox, because I'm just going to end up making fun of your idiocy here, like this:

When did Slashdot migrate to E2?

Domin says I downvoted your writeup and should tell youy why. It is fairly well written, it simply is the abortion argument of the peace movement. Yes, nuclear bombings bad, yes war would have ended eventually. No, we really don't know what would have hapened. Rehashing this over and is repetative (obviously) and simply trolling by this point. I don't downplay the loss of life, but I cannot see where these arguments lead. Beyond that, I see very little remarks ever about things like the Boer War, or the Cultural Revolution, or the Khmer Rouge, or the... well you get my point. That is why you got a sownvote from me, not from any lack of quality, but simply because "I" at least find it a tired argument intellectually above the abortion argument, but no less overworked.

The obvious implication, folks, is that you can't talk about one event in history without somehow making mention to every other event that has ever occurred. Let's all have a group hug because all perspectives deserve equal consideration. Let's all have a circle jerk because the past is a vast maelstrom of uncertainty and there's no such thing as primary sources. Let's all blow each other because it's obviously futile to inject fact into a debate that has survived for decades on pure ignorant fiat. And let's give a round of applause to the disaffected latte-sipping generation that is trying to perpetuate that ignorance, starting with Domin.

On behalf of a grateful Fatherland in Glorious Struggle, honor and blood, I present this assclown award:

PS - Vote the article, not the author. What are you, 12 years old?