Lights go up, to spotlight on Outpost Mir, and his beautiful assistant, Yossarian
Outpost Mir : "Hi and welcome to a new episode of "When Running Jokes Go Bad", brought to you by Fox and perlmonks", Yossarian?"
Yossarian : "Thanks Outpost, tonight we'll be looking at runaway memes, a look into the seedy underbelly of e2, a cooking segment, deborah909's god spot and an interview with EDB."
Outpost Mir : "Thanks Yossarian, and may I say you're looking as lovely as ever."
Yossarian preens
Outpost Mir : "And for our first report we turn to Uberfetus who is outside a nightclub onto the Lower East Side of E2"
Cut to Uberfetus standing outside a sign, flashing "Live Nude Lesbians".
Cut back to studio where Yossarian is standing next to jessicapierce, comparing hot asses.
Yossarian : Now, the benefits of soy include crushing enemies, jessica?"
jessicapierce : Thanks yossarian ...
Nodeshell rescue team smashes through window, freeing edb to eat balls and thankfully drawing an end to this nodeshell rescue
Picture fades. Off air