Today I was torn apart by emotions. Someone I had only met a week ago should seem insignificant, but I had already made a bond unlike any other I have ever felt before with the lovely amy from year 10.

She hadn't been at school for the past few days and I was already missing her. Why? I couldn't answer, but I was. Then it struck me, she just graduated from year 10, she might not come back next year! Acting casually just chatting with my friend Chris I mention Amy. Then I say, "Is she coming next year Chris?"... the dreaded response came... "Ah... no, don't think so.". Terror wrenches my heart, not Amy, she must come back!

Not wanting to believe it I ask my friend Andrew. A much better response... "Yeah, she'd have no reason not to." It still doesn't amount to anything much other than a maybe though. So I go and ask my friend Pat... "Of course she is. Do you think Amy would miss out on year 11?". Of course not, I think. Then it hits me I don't really know her that well and Pat could have been being sarcastic.

Oh why, oh why me? I want so much for Amy to come next year. I also want to know now, but I hate it when anyone says no. Today was an upsetting day...