Greenwich Park is my personal favourite of all parks in London. There are a couple of reasons for this:
  • It's located on the south side of the Thames, which is (apart from southbank) pretty much tourist-free. Ok, most of them make it to the Greenwich Maritime Museum but don't take the time to actually explore the park.
  • It has stunning views over the other side of London, especially my favourite place, the Docklands, and the controversial Millenium Dome.
  • In contrast to the rest of London, there are sparrows left.
  • You can spend hours without hearing a single car
  • My girlfriend loves it

Created in 1433, Greenwich is the oldest Royal Park. There have been deer in the Park since the 15th Century and descendants of these are now locked up so the tourists don't eat them.

This place will stay, as usually in London, special until the hordes of tourists will discover it.