Inspired by such marvels as Alpha Centauri tech tree and it's associated projects, I thought it would be good to quickly document the techs available in Galactic Civilizations. Oh boy was I wrong. There are 149 of them, and new ones in the BonusPak and being released all the time. Anyway, for the sake of completeness, I have documented what I can, and will add links through to the individual techs as I node them.
There are a variety of classes - the base technology that inspires the tech. Note that unlike some other games, different classes CAN be prerequisites for further techs in a different class...

(M) - Medical Theory (Green)
(C) - Communication Theory (Yellow)
(I) - Industrial Theory (Orange)
(P) - Propulsion Theory (Blue)
(D) - Defence Theory (Purple)
(W) - Weapons Theory (Red)

Name of tech - Class - Research Cost - Morality Required(Game starts at true neutral, 50)
1D Phasing (C) 200
2D Phasing (C) 400
3D Phasing (C) 1000
4D entrance (I) 22200
4D phasing (C) 2000
4D philosophy (C) 15210
4D space phasing (P) 23100
4D transformation (I) 12200
4D wormholes (I) 12100
Advanced Artificial Intelligence (I) 1000
Advanced Battle Armor (D) 4000
Advanced Diplomacy (C) 800
Advanced DNA research (M) 500
Advanced Engineering (D) 400
Advanced Interstellar Manufacturing (I) 400
Advanced Repair (D) 750
Advanced SigINT (C) 1400
Advanced Slavery (C) 5510 25
Advanced Trade (C) 900
Alliance (C) 1000
Anti-matter (P) 500
Anti-Matter Weapons (D) 1000
Artificial Gravity (P) 200
Artificial life (M) 5420
Artificial Planets (I) 2000
Artificial Satellites (I) 5000
Avatar technology (W) 17000
Basic Environmental Control (M) 220
Basic Repair (I) 250
Battle Armor (D) 100
Battleship Technology (W) 2500
Benevolence (C) 1000 70
Beyond human (M) 51100
Brain Wave Mapping (M) 400
Cloaking (D) 5000
Cold Fusion (P) 100
Communication theory (C) 50
Conglomerates (C) 3200
Controlled 4D wormholes (I) 23100
Controlled Gravity (P) 300
Controlled wormholes (I) 10900
Corvette technology (W) 400
Cultural Conquest (C) 5000
Cultural Focus (C) 1000
Cultural Maximizing (C) 4000
Cultural Trade (C) 1000
Cure For Depression (M) 2000 70
Defence Theory (D) 50
Defensive Phasers (D) 250
Deflectors (D) 200
Diplomacy (C) 120
Dreadnought Technology (W) 3000
Drones (D) 250
Energy channeling (W) 220
Evolution control (M) 42100
Excalibur technology (W) 37000
Exotic Alloys (D) 1200
Extravaganza (C) 1800
Final frontier (M) 50000
Galactic creation (I) 94200
Galactic domination philosophy (M) 14100 10
Galactic pacifism (I) 23100 95
Galactic understanding (C) 14310
Genetic mapping (M) 1000
Gravity Mastering (P) 800
High Density Metals (I) 400
Hyper Computers (I) 3000
Hyper soldiers (M) 2400 45
Hyper Trade (C) 2000 80
Hyper Warp (P) 500 70
Hyperspace (P) 1000
Improved Environmental Control (M) 320
Impulse Drive (P) 300
Industrial theory (I) 50
Instant Communication (C) 500
Interspecies Philosophy (C) 4420
Interstellar Business (C) 1000
Interstellar Capitalism (C) 1000
Interstellar Damage Control (D) 1000
Interstellar Marketing (C) 500
Interstellar Negotiation (C) 800
Interstellar Refining (I) 200
Interstellar Tactics (W) 800
Large Scale Building (I) 1000
Majesty (C) 4800
Majesty mark II (C) 7800
Majesty mark III (C) 7800
Master race (M) 5000 30
Medical theory (M) 50
Mega Phasers (W) 800
Military design computers (W) 18400
Mind Terror Weapons (D) 1000 30
Molecular medicine (M) 2000
Morphing (I) 300
Nano Bots (I) 350
Nano Electronics (C) 120
Nano Frequency Electronics (C) 300
Nano Metal Composition (I) 500
Nano Mining (I) 1000
Nano Rifts (C) 1400
Near omnipotence (M) 94430
Near omniscience (M) 35400
Omni Computers (I) 3410
Organic armor (M) 1500
Organic Piecing (M) 1000
Overlord technology (W) 20000
Phasers (W) 250
Photons (W) 120
Planetary Defense (D) 500
Planetary destruction (D) 5240
Propulsion theory (P) 50
Ranger Technology (W) 10000
Regeneration (M) 10000
Reinforced hull (D) 220
Replication (I) 5000
Self healing armor (D) 9400
Sensors (C) 250
Shields (D) 500
*Smuggling* (C) 4000
Space Militarization (D) 200
Spacial Rifts (C) 2000
Star creation (I) 24100
Star Democracy (C) 2000
Star Federation (C) 8000
StarHawk technology (W) 500
Stellar cartography (C) 100
Terra Computers (I) 5000
Terraforming (I) 2200
Terror Star (D) 4000
The Better Way (C) 2000 90
The Dark Side (C) 1000 10
Thought Police (M) 1000 30
Trade (C) 130
Trade Organizations (C) 1800
Transporters (P) 1000
Tri-Strontium Alloy (I) 500
Turbo Phasers (W) 800
Ultra Computers (I) 3000
Unambiguous Communication (C) 4500
Universal translator (C) 25
Virus elimination (M) 1000
Warp Drive (P) 900
Weapons Theory (W) 50
Xeno Brainwashing (C) 2000 10
Xeno Intimidation (C) 1200 35
Xeno Manipulation (C) 1200
Xeno Propoganda (C) 1000
Xeno Trade Persuasion (C) 800 65
Zero Gravity Manufacturing (I) 200
Zero Gravity Research (M) 200

Below is a map of ALL of the techs. My god. Each * is a tech - highlight it to find out where in the tech tree you are!

As a bit of explanation, start at the top. Once there, trace down - you can't research UP, and any sideways dependencies are marked with \ and / respectively, since the < and > didn't work well in <pre> tags...

BEWARE! Experimental bit!

      *                +--*--+             *-+-+ +-*     *-+-+  +--*
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2003.4.24@7:44 Halspal says I don't know what kind of editorial feedback you've had so far, but your current "project" is a bad idea, a very bad idea. This information is of interest only to people who might play this game and if they're playing the game they are already privy to the information. Anyone else who stumbles on one of these writeups is simply mystified. This looks like a huge waste of your time and the time of the editors who will have to go through and delete them eventually. My recommendation is that you stop now and nuke request the lot of them. According to your homenode, the voting public agrees.

Kalon's Aside: At this point I put out the examples of the Everything Civiliopedia, the Alpha Centauri Tech Tree, as well as Secret Projects in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Go check them out. The reply I got:

2003.4.24@15:09 Halspal says Hey Kalon. I can tell by your enthusiasm for making the information available and the effort you've put into the w/u's that you are not simply tossing them up to add numbers to your node count. I meant no disrespect when I questioned their usefulness. The examples you mentioned are pertinent and similar to your case. You have a good eye on the database and will make a good editor. The Everything Civilopedia was controversial for the same reasons, nuke requested by the author, then saved by a god and repatriated to the "Everyone" account. I believe the Alpha Centauri Tech Tree is such extreme minutia from an endeavor of such limited interest that we'd be better off without it as well. These are merely my opinions but my wish would be for writeups accessible to a wider audience.

What do you think? I would appreciate the feedback... Please /msg me.