Kal Tanner, a local bartender and lead singer for the Portland Based Band The Webbers passed away the morning of April 18th of a heart attack.

He used to call me "Fucker".

I Met Kal Tanner in the Summer of 1998. When he was working as the bartender for Seafood Mama's on NW 21st Ave. In the time between now and then I had several opportunities to enjoy his company. Enjoy. That is indeed the best word I can use to describe the times I spent with Kal. He was the kind of guy, who after spending just one night of drinking with, you felt like you'd known for years. He always laughed at all my jokes, and always encouraged me to pursue a stand-up career, it was that encouragement that I'll never forget.

I didn't spend a lot of time with Kal. Indeed, if it were any other person other than Kal I would probably refer to them as a mere aquaintance. Kal lived a life of excess. In food, drink and the giving of his friendship. It is a void in the neighborhood of Northwest Portland that will never be filled. As a neighborhood fixture he was entertaining, there was a certain comfort in seeing Kal at the bar, either behind or in front of it. As the lead singer of The Webbers his unique voice lent an air of comfort to his songs. "I know I'm not very smart, but I've got a great big heart", As he sang in his lyrics, as he was in life. What the neighborhood has lost with Kal is a piece of it's heart. I'll miss the big guy.

Sorry to subject the everythingians, but my chances of getting to speak at Kal's funeral are slim to none, so I had to say it somewhere. I usually try to steer away from this kind of drivel, as it probably means very little to the noding public at large. I just had to let it out somewhere.