Babylon 5 Season 2, Episode 2. Written by J. Michael Straczynski, directed by Jim Johnston. Originally aired on November 9, 1994.

Primary Plot: G'Kar brings news of a a mysterious new alien race.

Secondary Plot: Garibaldi recovers from his coma, the traitor security officer who shot him is flushed out.

Tertiary Plot: Sheridan's sister comes for a visit, causing John to revisit some old memories about his deceased wife, Anna Sheridan.

Fourth Plot: Delenn emerges from her chrysalis--she's now half Minbari, half human.

Commentary: The salute that Jack (Garibaldi's aide) gives Garibaldi in the interrogation cell is the same one that Bester gave him in Mind War.

This episode is one of only four where President Clark actually appears on camera--the others are Chrysalis, Voices of Authority, and Endgame. (I'm not counting still shots.) JMS has said he felt it better to paint Clark through his subordinates, while leaving the President himself largely off-camera.

If Laurel Takashima had remained as a character on the show (she was the First Officer in The Gathering, the series pilot), she would've been the one to shoot Garibaldi. The characters might not have found out about it for an entire season after this point, though.

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