The ORIGINAL Tomorrow people was an ITV series that ran from 1973 to 1979 and involved children with super natural powers categorised by the 3-Ts: Telepathy, Telekenesis and Teleportation, the last of which was called Jaunting and was aided at first by Belts and later by Wrist Belts. The Tomorrow People lived in an abandonded subway station, and were lead by John and his biotropic computer, Tim. Various young adults appeared in the series, each typically breaking out in an introduction story of various quality. Some of the tomorrow people were Steven Jameson, Carol, Kenny, Elizabeth, Tyso, Mike, Hsu Tai and Andrew.

The Tomorrow People ran in syndication in the United States and creator Roger Damon Price's home country of Canada in the early 1980s on the fledgling children's television networks Nickelodeon and YTV, as well as in Australia. Ten years later, in 1992, Price was asked by Nickelodeon to return to the concept of The Tomorrow People in an all-new television series for the 1990s. Again entitled The Tomorrow People, this new series featured an Australian, Adam, a Canadian, Megabyte and an American, Lisa who was later replaced by a British girl Jade. The new series ran for 3 years and produced 25 episodes total. Ironically, this new series was never broadcast in the creator's home nation of Canada, which is why the author of this node has not seen these later episodes.

The first season story, The Slaves of Jedikiah, is the only part of either series ever to be released on video, and even then only in PAL format, not NTSC and is now out of print. Thus most former viewers of this programme have only vague memories of how utterly cheezy it was and currently all episodes are locked in a vault somewhere never again to be seen by mortal eyes.