This is a rather silly story I found somewhere on the 'net, cannot again find for the life of me, and will hereby recite from memory with all due inaccuracy:

It was an icy winter evening as I walked home. Every now and then, my feet would hit a patch of frost on the sidewalk, and I would stumble before regaining my balance. Snow dusted lightly out of the starless night sky.

Most of the city streets were fairly empty, except for this one I happened to be walking alongside. On this street, traffic was backed up for quite a distance from some obstruction ahead. Walking onwards, I would soon find that the traffic was blocked by a bus, which had skidded across the road and hit a light post. The road was fairly slick with ice from a freezing rain earlier in the evening, and the driver had apparently not been gentle enough on the brakes to avoid skidding.

As I walked along the sidewalk, opposite the direction traffic would usually be going on the nearby road, I had just about passed the bus when its driver's side sliding window opened quickly, and an object was hurled out, nearly hitting me in the head! Surprised, I looked down to see what the object was. An apple core now lay in the frozen slush of the gutter.

It was just after that when I happened to glance up at the bus's dot matrix destination sign, which had apparently changed from its usual "42 Downtown" to a far more appropriate message: