Scrying is basically fortune-telling (cliche!!) or prophesy. Almost everything that is common knowledge *coughcoughhollywoodcoughcough* about scrying is innacurate. Scrying can be done with literally almost anything. It is basically the recognition of patterms in things and inturpreting them. some methods include: (this is by NO means a complete list):

scrying sphere
tarot cards
i ching

these are some of the more "traditional" ones. other more unusual ones include:

auspex and related auspices
looking into mirrors
reading omens in animal entrails
wax casting
walnut test
seeing fortunes in skulls
reading futures in spider webs

will add more as i come across them, and at some point if i can find a particular book that is missing at the moment, post the "proper" names for these things, which are odder than the techniques themselves.