Hi everybody! I hope you all had a nice Christmas, I know I did. At my dad’s house, the main thing I got was an electric guitar. It’s kind of hard to learn to play but I’m going to take lessons. I also got the Game of Life, Mastermind, Extreme Jenga and a Cribbage set.

At my mom’s house I got some clothes, a book of pictures from the Hubble Telescope, some Little House on the Prairie DVD’s, stepping stones for my part of the garden and some soccer and softball books and pictures.

This is a poem I wrote about winter and snow.

Snow is upon my windowsill
Snow is laying softly on the ground

The snowman from yesterday
Has snow on his hat
He hasn’t started to melt.

I don’t walk on the sidewalk
Where people have shoveled
And made a path
I like to make my own

This is how I think of winter
With snow on the ground.

I also made some New Year’s Resolutions. I hope I can keep them

1) Don’t get into other people’s business.

2) Try not to talk about other people.

3) Try not to exaggerate.

I hope everybody has a Happy New Year!