Hatred: one of the strongest emotions a human can feel. It's right up there with love. Hatred can consume us, drive us, and convince us to do things that we ordinarily wouldn't ever consider. So what do I hate? Lack of consideration for others. I think that everything that's ever made me think "I hate that" fits squarely in the category of "that person thinks they are too important to consider how their actions affect those around them." This is probably more of a list of pet peeves, but these are some of the things that I hate.

Not Using Your Turn Signal
If there's nobody else around or you're not going to cut somebody off, this doesn't bug me as much, but when you're only three inches ahead of me in the next lane, don't decide that it's vitally important to share my lane without signalling and checking your blind spot. If you slam on your brakes after changing lanes, I hate you even more. I'm not sure if this seems to happen more in California because there are more idiots or because there are more people. Maybe those are the same thing. Regardless, in case you're one of those people, here's a quick lesson in how a US turn signal works. The signal is located on the left side of the steering column. Usually, the headlights are operated on the same stick, and you should already know where those are. Now, when you're going to turn right, push the signal up. When you're going to turn left, push it down. Don't worry, this will become habit in no time.

Cutting in Line
Let me explain a queue. The sooner you enter, the sooner you leave. You enter only from the rear, and you leave only from the front. You may have seen queues in action at amusement parks. The reason that amusement parks have them cordoned off is to keep you bastards from entering the queue from anywhere but the end. How we managed to evolve far enough to invent the television set and the modern automobile but can't handle waiting in a fucking line, I'll never know.

Egregious Use of Compact Parking Spaces
Go get a dictionary. It's okay, I'll wait. Back? Okay. Look up the word "compact" for me. My dictionary claims it means "Occupying little space compared with others of its type." Now look at your Hummer H2 (which you overpaid for, by the way). Does it seem to occupy little space compared with other vehicles? No? Then quit parking it in the spot reserved for my Neon!

Not Reading Posted Signs
This one happens everywhere. Why do you have 14 items in the express lane? The sign obviously says that the maximum is 10. Idiot. Why are you pounding on the door at 8:55 AM when the store doesn't open until 9:00 AM? Can't you see the hours posted on the door that you're banging on? Read those words. Think about what they mean, and wait for five minutes until the minimum wage sales clerk unlocks the door!

Agreeing with Ann Coulter
I accidentally agreed with Ann Coulter today. My coworker showed me this article but didn't mention the author's name. I should have known something was up, but I read it anyway. Give it a read. She's actually not sounding crazy in this one.