The wombat is cute, therefore we will learn about it.

physical description

The Wombat is a warm blooded mammal, when grown to full size it is covered in fur and may reach a weight of over thirty-nine kilograms and grow to over a meter long. The common wombat has a tail, however it is mostly obscured by fur which ranges from black to dark grey and brown. The wombat is also a marsupial, this means that that it will live in its mothers pouch until it is old enough to fend for itself.

The front legs are short with powerful shoulders which makes it well suited for digging cozy burrows. The five claws of the front legs are used to loosen the soil, while the broad padded palms scoop the loose soil backwards and sideways. The rear feet are narrower and longer compared to the ones in front, they are used to kick loose soil out of the burrow.


Vombatus ursinus (the Common Wombat)


An animal unique to Australia, they are found primarily in Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland. They live predominantly in forests and cold mountainous regions. Though they were once prevalent throughout the southwestern and eastern portions of Australia, all five types of wombats are now confined to a much smaller area.

The wombat lives in burrows made from loose soil and rocks which are typically four meters long, however they may extend up to 20 or 30 meters as part of a burrow system. The burrows are typically dug out of slopes, banks, or hills, and have small sleeping places located near the end.

feeding habits

The diet of a wombat consists primarily of grass and other plants. Their teeth grow continuously throughout their life due the wear caused by eating food.


Primarily the wombat will sleep during the day and emerge at night to feed and move about (thus it is a nocturnal animal), however it may come out during daytime on occasion.

A wombat will reach a reproductive age when it is three or four years old, although breeding is contingent upon a good supply of food for milk production. If conditions are not adequate, then a wombat may delay the reproductive cycle until things are more favorable for nurturing young. The male wombat takes no part of the upbringing of offspring.

It takes roughly three to four weeks for a baby wombat to be born after mating has occurred, at this point it is still highly undeveloped and will claw its way into the mothers pouch. Once in the pouch, it will attach itself to one of the teats and stay there for three months or longer. Once the baby has developed a thick coat of fur it will leave the pouch for the outside world, however it will not stray far from its mother and will often return to hide in the mothers pouch at signs of danger. After ten months, the young wombat will be ready to leave the pouch permanently and live on its own.

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