In computers, an overlay is a primitive (and outdated) method of doing the equivalent of demand paging in user space. Overlays were used heavily for larger programs in msdos due to the 640k memory limitations.

Since the overlay is implemented in user space or x86 real mode, its implementation can't make use of the page fault technique, and instead must break the program into sections which are hopefully self-contained. Each overlay would be loaded into memory, possibly over laying a previous overlay.

Also, since the overlay can't make use of virtual addressing in real mode, overlays either must be implemented either as relocatable code or must be loaded at the same address every time. If it must be loaded at a fixed address, then there will be a fixed set of other overlays it will always need to replace.

However, if the overlay uses relocatable code, or is patched during load, then it can be loaded anywhere. This would allow it to overlay the least-recently used other overlay, or allow the same program to perform better in (for example) 640k, but still work in 384k, just with fewer overlays loaded at once.

Turbo C supported writing programs with overlays. Nethack for Windows 3.1 could be compiled either with some features missing, or with overlays. Wordstar used overlays heavily (even very early versions). That's why your disk would start running the first time you hit some keys -- wordstar was loading the overlay to handle that function.

Overlays were not limited to msdos. For example, UCSD Pascal used overlays to emulate a 128k virtual machine on hardware with only 64k, on hardware that did not have a MMU.

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