This is a list of some of the most common symptoms of manic depression or bipolar disorder. People in my life had always occasionally suggested that I might be manic deppresive but I would generally deny it. After seeing this list of symptoms and reading a little more on the subject I just started laughing. I fit every single one of them. I have a handle on my depression and mania now so it's not that big of a problem for me. However, there are others out there, friends of mine even, who fit these symptoms and should probably seek help because they cannot handle it as I can. I would suggest that anyone who fit these symptoms seek help, I did and I feel much better.

Some people can fight it by themselves, others need medication. Whatever you do, DO NOT let a doctor put you on paxil for it, trust me on that. It will do more damage than good in most cases. Make sure your doctor really looks into it before they decided to give you paxil it has horrible emotional side effects that can be worse than the depression.

Symptoms of Mania:

Increased energy, activity, restlessness, racing thoughts and rapid speech
Excessive euphoria
Extreme irritability and distractibility
Decreased sleep requirement
Uncharacteristically poor judgment
Increased sexual drive
Denial that anything is wrong

Symptoms of Depression:

Persistent sad, anxious or empty mood
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism, guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities, including sex
Decreased energy, feelings of fatigue
Difficulty in concentrating, remembering or making decisions
Change in appetite or weight
Thoughts of death or suicide