In the beginning, I was born. Then, I experienced around 10-12 years of life as a new person.

Now, obviously, I did not dream 10-12 complete years of experience. Rather, I dreamed a few passages in the life of this person. This created the illusion of having passed through 10-12 years. Because this was a dream, the illusion was perfect. My mind was encased by it; wherever my mind wondered, it created whatever was necessary to make me feel completely and wholly that I was this other person with all of his experiences. I was unaware that I was dreaming.

Most of the time, I was completely unaware that I was previously a person named "Dan". Occasionally, deep within my subconscious, I was aware that I had once been this other person. At times when I was aware of this, I felt as if I were deep in meditation, or in that strange state inbetween awake and dreaming where the mind sometimes does strange things.

During the dream, I reflected that being almost completely unaware of my previous life as Dan was very similar to the way a person can forget things when their environment radically changes. The way an adult can forget what it's like to be a kid, the way a person barely surviving in the wilderness can forget what it's like to be in civilization, or even the way scientists stationed in Antarctica for a year forget then find they must relearn upon return to the rest of the world. The memories are there, somewhere, but they're so infrequently accessed that they become dim and obscured. It was also similar to the way the the world can radically change within a few moments when tripping on acid, except the moments are very long.

Somewhere around age 10-12, I was born yet again, and started life as a third person. I lived their life for many years as well. I'm not sure how old, but I dimly recall it being older than the second person. Again, my mind was completely engulfed in this person.

Again, as this person I reflected on where the second person (who had a name that I cannot remember) had gone. I did not think the second person had died, but I was unsure. I certainly had no memory of him dying, but it was certainly possible that his existence had ended without my being aware of it.

As the third person, I was more aware of the second person than I was of Dan; indeed, I'm not sure if I could even remember Dan at all at this point.

Still, I felt that the he still existed, somewhere, somehow, and that eventually I would return to living his life. I suspected that at some point, my perceptions would shift and change, and I would no longer be the third person, but would again be the second person. That, as the second person, I would have only the vaguest subconscious memories of the third person; I would again be completely absorbed in the life of the second person.

I did not reflect on how or why any of this might be happening.

I also reflected on the extent to which Dan, the second person, and the third person were one in the same. They were definitely different people; they had their own lives, their own experiences, yet we shared a common mind. We had many of the same tendencies, and developed (somewhat) similarly, but not identically.

Not long after that, I awoke, and found myself again living the life of Dan, and only being dimly aware of the existence of these other two people on the fringes of my subconscious.

Click to go to other of Agthorr's Dreams.