This came about as a result of my learning German for one year in high school. 9 years later I picked up a German tourist who was hitchhiking on a highway in Israel. I racked my brains to think of something to say, and all I could remember were the words for "airplane" and "potato", plus a few common connecting words, so I said to him "Nein, das ist nicht mein Flugzeug, das ist mein Kartoffel" - "No, that is not my airplane, that is my potato". And he said, with a straight face: "Nein, das ist dein Auto".

I thought about the usefulness of that sentence. What is the point of it, you may ask? Well, consider the following scene: You are in Munich. You have just placed your potato on the road, and are resting. Suddenly, a policeman grabs your hand, and says (in German): "Please come with me sir, your airplane is double-parked." What are you going to do? Everybody knows it is illegal to double-park airplanes in Germany. So, you see, either learn that sentence, or carry your potato with you at all times. The choice is clear.

Not everyone travels to Germany for their holidays, so here it is in various other languages.
P.S. My knowledge of languages is limited. I wrote what I know. I may have made several mistakes. If you do notice one/many such mistake/s, please /msg me. Thanks.
P.P.S I have highlighted the words for "airplane" and "potato" to make it easier to find your way around the sentences.

P.P.P.S. bangaladumpa is the best word for anything in any language ever.

Thanks to all those who made suggetions and corrections