Which one is 12 PM? Is that noon, or midnight? If it is the first, I only have ten minutes to finish this! So this essay will be abbreviated, but that is in part due to time zones, something that I don't have control over.

I also spent much of Friday and Saturday sleeping off the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, that caused me great fatigue. My first shot. Which makes me think that my Covid-19 last summer that I got a test for was a false negative, because the reaction is supposed to be worth when you have had it previously. I didn't select the Moderna vaccine, or the date, or the time, and I certainly didn't select the type of test I had last summer, or getting Covid-19 in the first place. Those things were out of my control.

Oh, and guess what happened an hour before I was going to get my shot? I got a letter in the mail, I opened and read it. The letter was from a collections agency, saying I needed to pay 700-odd dollars, including fees and interest, for a 600 dollar bill I owed to a landscaping company. Now, I live in a one bedroom apartment and landscaping is not something I do, so. This seemed improbable. But what do you do when you get a letter from a collections agency an hour before a vaccine appointment? I called the state consumer complaint agency. I called the landscaping company, who confirmed they didn't know me. I went and got vaccinated. I came back, called my bank. My credit cards weren't compromised. I wrote a letter of dispute, on notebook paper, and ran to the post office, right after getting vaccinated, to mail it away certified. But what will this do? I spent 5 dollars and an hour of post-vaccine, exhausted time, mailing this letter away, to dispute a claim that is prima facie, ridiculous. But what recourses do I have? Someone can make a clerical error, and it is my job, apparently, to fix it. And, if I don't, and even if I do, dispute it, it can ruin my ability to seek housing for what, a decade? This erroneous claim has created a labyrinth that I must run, while doing so many other things. But like the clock that is now two minutes to noon, this is something that [without control|I have no control over.