The first and definitely one of the best tracks off The Hasselhoff Experiment's hard rocking second album - Always Outnumbered Always Outgunned. This song sets the tone of the album, and is a perfect example of what The Hasselhoff Experiment are all about; stripped down dirty garagey rock 'n' roll.

The song kicks off with a heavily distorted guitar riff by Andrew Trolley, then two bars later Brendan Moran's drums hits you. No basic eight beat here, but different combinations of kick, snare and cymbals, peppered with a few short, fast rolls keep the tempo up for the whole song. By far the most surprising and one of the most enjoyable parts to the song is Dave Coventry's absolutely manic harmonica that appears on occasion throughout the song, usually just before each verse starts. Although it sounds a little unorthodox, it suits the song perfectly and really sets it apart from the other tunes on the album (not to say they haven't their charms though). Trolley's voice is quite deep and raspy, and he comes off as a cross between ZZ Top and Lemmy from Motorhead. Definitely a good thing.

The lyrics in this song seem, to me at least, a little gimicky (but still rather cool), but the focus of the 'Experiment's stuff is definitely not the lyrics, but the arse-kicking rock-ness of the music. The content seems to be about the nature of war (implying a certain extent the nature of guns as well), and the mindset of being able to kill someone but Trolley does not seem like he is trying to hammer a point home, or even make a point. The vocals really only serve as another instrument in the song, the last verse being sung through some sort of filter. The words are bloody hard to decipher over the heavy guitar, and what's written here is probably wrong, but for no want of trying - I listened to the song a large number of times. If you've got better hearing or some fancy computer program or something to sharpen the vocals tell me.


Shifting sands
Shifting sides
Always a muzzle
That ended life
All the blood runs cold
All the blood ran warm
All the fate of lives
Lives laid as pawns

Hurted hurted
Heed it all
Can't buy this vision
I must fall
It ain't enough
To plead your case
When lines of guilt
Are written on your face

Maybe once
You didn't feel dissuade
What passes hell
Anger in stained
I can't stand no more
Let ?*
Drive it's car

Shifting sands
Shifting sides
Always a muzzle
That ended life
All the blood runs cold
All the blood ran warm
All the fate of lives
Lives laid as pawns

* Try as I might, I just couldn't catch this at all.

Stuff in this must be wrong, so please /msg me about it if you think you know.