Sage-Stuffed Hasselbacks with Garlic:

Select an appropriate number of russet potatoes, all of similar size and shape, suitable for roasting. Scrub, but do not peel them.

Place two hashi (chopsticks) on a cutting board with a potato between the hashi. Slice through the potato, cutting only down to the height of the hashi and continue with cuts about one-quarter inch apart all along the potato. Put the potatoes on a baking sheet oiled with extra virgin olive oil uncut side down. Salt them and for each potato place three or four small torn pieces of fresh sage spaced evenly between the slices. Peel garlic and place whole cloves with the potatoes.

Bake at 400 degrees until golden brown, turning once. Arrange the potatoes on a serving platter along with the roasted garlic and garnish with a small amount of torn fresh sage.