Maybe blood sugar is a key to me waking up and feeling like getting out of bed; or maybe I need a short nap in the afternoon. Maybe it's the difference between a regular workday and the skeleton crew conditions of a weekend. Maybe it's the suprising liberty of having finally closed a number of little worries that have nagged me all year. Whatever, I wake with the alarm at 6AM, I'm at work by 6:55, full of delicious coffee cake and home-brewed coffee.
My boss isn't there to blindside me with ad hoc research requests, no distraction as I take an hour or two to review last week's events and next week's plans. There's a bit of a snag on one production line, but I have the process engineer/production manager's undivided, unharried attention. He fascinates me for an hour with tidbits of info about the interactions of adhesives, catalysts, solvents, polyesters, vinyls, oils, and water. I'm tempted to ask him if he could recommend an accessible text on the subject, but I figure "yeah, a course text for a material science course, BO-RING". It's like serendipity or something when he says, "I have a seminar binder on this, ya wanna borrow it?" Well, cool, a bare essentials skeleton of pressure-sensitive material design. My former boss gives me some tips on coping with HIS former boss, and his wife offers to pimp me out to her sister. Around all this, I get a satisfying amount of work done. Even the PICK server is responsive, with no other users logged in. I am a resource hog.
Home: smoke a little, work on node audit.