agree wholeheartedly. I consider myself a
geek in the truest sense of the word, but I still usually go to bed at
night rather than in the
morning. The sunrise bit confirms my view that
Everythingians are soppy romantics (
NSN - node at your own risk), but I prefer working in the daytime to at night. I am not a vampire - I do see daylight (occasionally), and
I use Windows! Ha, I feel liberated just saying it! Just because I am a geek, just because I can spout mathematical
formulae without drawing breath, just because I actually understand the
technobabble on
Star Trek, just because I actually design websites for a living, does not require me to use UNIX or linux! I use Windows! I use MS Office! I enjoy every crappy feature of
Internet Explorer! OK, I still hate
Front Page and write my HTML in an
ASCII editor, but I reserve the right to like programs that are easy to use, and I will not be told to use a different
operating system!
And I like it.