Today, another of the pseudo democratic Mexican meetings took its toll over poor me and my Boss.
The idea is that the Big Kahuna gets the design committee in a room, together with people from other worthy institutions that might have some interest in the site - and that certainly have no fscking idea of how a WWW site is designed and run.

Everybody, very politely, vents and rants and is made to feel that what he said is worth something.
Subsequently the Big Kahuna asks random questions: the Lesser Kahuna answers most of them. Little baffo occasionally makes some totally inappropriate comment, today we were discussing forums and logins and authentications, and I mentioned the Slashdot Anonymous Coward system. Everybody was offended. I suspect that the word "coward" struck them as very very unsensitive. Bad baffo, no cookie.

Then my Boss and I went for a nice tasty 3000 chalories alambre. Now I am bloated, sleepy, and trying to caffeine my way into awareness, at least as much awaraness as is needed to do webmastering (estimates differ).

Dr. Foo declared that his wonderfully stable set of machines had three hours downtime over the last three months. I could have said that the mail system was DEEEEEAAAAAD for at least three days, just when we had to demo it.
Dr. Foo hired and believes strongly in a set of bureacuratic dolts that pretend to be sysadms. I am not a sysadm, but I can tell one when I see it.
Then Narciso Y., the graphic designer showed us his latest gob of dried puke, sorry, his lates graphic concept for the sign. At least this time it didn't have little animated things creeping into periphal vision. Nonetheless, the color scheme is like a Giant Eagle special offer leaflet on peyote. And on a big screen, it just hurts.

Tonight is pseudo single night, which means that my SO and I act as if we were just roommates. We don't even try to synch, no commonal food preparation or consumption: just civility. It keeps us sane.