Given the current state of affairs and what it has spawned, this node probably won’t be too popular. But if I was an outsider looking in, I wouldn’t have a clue as to what most, if anything, anybody here was talking about. Forget the fact that these kinda write ups regularly dominate the Page of Cool. Yeah, if I was an outsider, I'd consider this place a little too self indulgent for my tastes and be on my merry way.

To me, therein lies the rub.

In saying that please keep in mind that I don’t in any way, shape or form mean to insult, slander, debunk, defend, offend, pretend, mystify, glorify, justify, classify, sanctify, dignify, rationalize, canonize, blasphemize, emphasize, subsidize, finalize, validate, denigrate, fornicate, consecrate, obfuscate, alienate, delineate, antiquate, acerbate, repudiate, mediate, meditate, legislate, amputate, resonate or berate any noder here for his or her own opinion on the subject of XP, voting, chings, proposed enhancements and our future..

In fact, I admire and respect each and every one of you who took the time to try and make our world an idyllic place for writers and readers to share their experiences in a utopian world where both critics and authors can call it a day and go share a beer or two without any hard feelings. A place where egos are tossed aside and skins aren’t so thin that the slightest barb will cause somebody to bleed out and become fled. Where grudges and personality conflicts don’t exist and where everybody’s opinion carries the same weight and each person is treated with the dignity and respect afforded them just because of the fact that they’re human. A place where we can all come and gather to drink from the same well and share both our fortunes and misfortunes as if they were the same. A place where innocent new writers can test their words without fear of recrimination or criticism and where seasoned veterans aren’t owed any allegiances.

Get real

I've always thought of myself as a pretty simple guy and while sometimes the simplest solutions seem almost too simple I’m gonna try and offer up one of my own to try and help solve the latest perceived conundrum that we’re experiencing.

We, all of us, should spend more time writing and less time gazing at our navels in bouts of introspection or contemplating our fate in the c-box. How do you think that makes us look in front of anybody that stops by for the first time? I’m guessing some will be intrigued enough to maybe open an account but the vast majority will just move on. Shit, if I looked at the place today for the first time I might be tempted to do the same.

I’m a firm believer that good writing will attract good writers. If it takes some effort to get the word out then fine, get the word out.

In the end though, just like in the “real world” people will come and people will go. Some will be missed and others forgotten and those of us that remain will still be beating our heads against the wall trying to figure out why.

To put this in military terms, I hope this won’t cost me a stripe but I’m just not one of those guys.

That doesn’t mean I don’t love the place or the people any more or any less than anybody else here. It’s just the way it is.

jaybonci, a guy who was here since the beginning had this to say in the c-box the other day as yet another debate raged on about the things I mentioned earlier.

”Maybe there aren't solutions. That's a serious statement. I'm not trying to be facetious.”

Neither am I

Peace out home slice!

Love and kisses,
