It's my birthday today. July 22, 1981, my birthdate, I am now nineteen years old. That's legal drinking age here in Ontario, Canada.. luckily I've decided that drinking is inherently stupid, and not for me, so I won't be doing it anymore. One thing I'd like to say is... spoon.

I'll have to think of something mind-numbingly exceptional to write, to make up for the lack of anything dreamy here as of late. The moon was such an intense orange earlier, it didn't even look real.. it's faded a bit, more to a yellow now but has maintained some sort of eerie cartoonish appearance.

I fielded some questions about sygate tonight on IRC, it made me feel all smart, and stuff, even if they were simple. I also rambled a lot, I tend to do that normally but generally it's more coherent when I avoid alcoholic substances. I'm sipping cold water out of a Labatte Blue beer cup now. I like these cups, even if they're supposed to be for beer.. I'll just drink juice and water out of the ones that I have left.

Below will be the happenings of my birthday, in a fairly sequential order, starting with the last hour and a half and ending wherever:
  • I got two virtual birthday greetings and an incredibly sweet/dreamy e-mail.
  • My best friend's mother called to talk to her (she lives with me), because she had called there. She was sleeping but I had to wake her up, considering they're having family issues. (Her sister is quite the selfish trouble maker at present and they're all worried about her because she moved out of the house.) What are you goin' to do? Her mom always sounds so upset, perpetually, it's crazy.
  • I found out I'm getting a Winnie the Pooh birthday cake, this is neat, because I love winnie the pooh.
  • I woke up quite early, before 10am after not heading off to bed until 2:30am, that's kind of crazy, but it's alright. My best friend came in and layed beside me and smooched on my head around 9:30, though I was laying there awake anyway. No signs of hangover'y type feeling. Woo hoo!
  • Checked my e-mail, ICQ, etc., and e2. Joel'y finally sent me that e-mail he'd been promising, and it was freaking amazingly great and probably the best birthday present anyone could have given me. Also, he called me potato head, which made me giggle. I also got... 4 icq msg's saying happy birthday courtesy of that little red balloon, and an e2 msg. Dreeeamy. People tend to talk to you more on your birthday I think.. just because they've an excuse. He-he.
  • I went downtown, after seeing hodgepodge come online and sent some letters and postcards that hadn't been sent yet. (Bad, bad bad me.. but it isn't all my fault, it just happened because of reasons.) My mom gave me $100 for my birthday, and I was going to deposit it but I have to re-open my dead account first. We rented The Green Mile.
  • Last party guest cancelled before I even managed to tell her that the party was off. Ahh, funny. Also, a person delivered a ginormous umbrella tree to my door. And I also got a really cool plant wall hanger thing from my best friend who happens to be the umbrella tree sender as well. :)
  • Everyone's kind of grouchy around this house today, and I'm reminiscing a bit and I should really.. not. My grandmother called me, my dad's mom, and the awkwardness was just a lot.. we don't talk to them much, and it kind of sucks that the only time I hear from her is Christmas/usually my birthday. I guess they've had a messed up life, and my grandpa well of course he was "outside doing yardwork", odds are he is just drunk and would be no good to talk to anyway. What happened there, you know? I guess I'll try not to let it bring me down, but that's one of those things I don't like to think about too often.
  • Still haven't eaten anything aside from those wheat thins. Actually I'm quite annoyed because I wanted to go out for dinner, but I don't think that's going to happen. We watched EDTv.. it was okay. It had nothing on The Truman Show. I hardly wanted to watch tv all day, but.. yeah.
  • It's like, I knew at the beginning of the week that my birthday wouldn't be anything and I shouldn't have had any hopes for it at all and then I wouldn't have been even remotely disappointed. Why do I have so much trouble with holidays/"special" days? Stupid, stupid. Ah well.. at least my morning was really dreamy, for this I am thankful. Also, I'm sure the late evening will be good too. It's just the in between that is killer..
  • I think that sleep might have done me good last night. I talked to my friend, she used to be my best friend but we've drifted a lot, about ex-boyfriend woes for too long. I guess I needed to, no one else was willing to listen. I think she'll always be good for things like that.. she makes me smile, just because it doesn't matter how different we are, and we most definitely are, she's still there and we identify really nicely sometimes.
  • My current best friend is all upset because she isn't making my birthday "good". Heh.. it's just another day. I think I'll listen to that song..
  • Well, this sure was an interesting day, and I suppose it won't be officially over for some time yet. A lot of really good stuff happened, so I'm happy I guess.. some underlying stuff is bothering me, as per usual.
  • Luke called, and I talked to katy too, that was really cool. one of only a few birthday calls I got today, my grandma on my mom's side didn't call but she's away in Windsor so I guess I'll let that slide. (She forgot last year..)
  • All my friends backed out of the party, but my cousin's showed up.. I didn't care too much, except that Mike was here, and I had missed him hardcore, so that was really really nice. We had quite a bit of fun.. of course, I ended up drinking again. So much for quitting tonight.. I had been a bit down that nothing was going on/was going to go on. It all worked out good.. mostly. I feel bad about a few things, but overall it was a good day.
There's some more stuff that I can note here, and I will tomorrow, but I'm too tired to right now.. :)