There are no moose in Scotland. Elk and deer, but no moose*.

Traditionally, sheepdogs are canine creatures which herd ovine creatures. Hence the name "sheepdog".

Shetland sheepdogs are bred small because Shetland sheep are rather smaller than your standard sheep. Shetland sheep are small because the Shetland Islands themselves are not made of of vast rolling acres. So the canny inhabitants keep their animals small enough to fit on the islands without toppling into the cold North Sea the moment they start chasing each other around. (Shetland ponies) are also known primarily for their lack of size.)

The only problem with this theory is that Shetland Sheepdogs are too daft to chase anything for more than a minute or two without forgetting where they were going or falling over their own feet.

* The elk chasing dogs are elkhounds, the deerchasing ones, amazingly enough, are known as deerhounds.