In a car, rushing to go do violence and save the world. There's someone else in the car. Is this a video game? A wall comes out of no where - I have an eerie premonition of it, but of course, it's inevitable. We hit the wall. People try to kidnap me - I manage to disable 5 out of 7, but then I am taken.

When I regain consciousness, I am in a cell. There's one of my friends in the cell with me, but I don't remember who. Strong feeling that this is a video game. We plan our escape. There are about 12 sorceressess casting a huge fireball-like spell; we plan to escape when they are too far in to stop. One of them defects and joins us.

The sorceresss, my cellmate, and I are running. We are leaving the fortess where we were imprisoned and going up a hill. The landscape is pastoral, with increasing trees as we go up the hill. It is autumn. We must decide where to go. We are somewhere near Reed College, but the terrain is entirely different. The other guy (Josh?) asks if we want to go to a restaurant to hide, but I think that's a bad idea. I suggest going to Safeway to buy food. Josh says that he can make a Canadian onion dish. We make it to the top of the hill, and we are in a country where German is spoken. There are scattered houses, and we run through back yards, trying to escape our captors. There is a man, lying with his head against the tree, sleeping. I wake up.