Editor's Note, 12/5/14: This writeup was originally created by user vladkornea, but they have not logged in for eight years, so I am taking it over until such time as they return. Feel free to /msg me with additions!
ENFJ Aphrodite ameriwire blubelle BurningTongues heppigirl La petite mort NinjaPenguin WolfDaddy
ENFP: Harrysong Cdz emet exceptinsects grundoon Jack LaylaLeigh michaelnoah momomom mr100percent wick Zytostat
ENTJ: bookw56 Flooffy Heschelian knile Transitional Man
ENTP: artfuldodger caknuck elem_125 kthejoker Leonardo F. Urbano liveforever Mark Forest mauler psydereal The Lush wharfinger xdjio
ESFP: CrAzE GhettoAardvark
ESFJ LaggedyAnne
ESTJ: Wazzer
ESTP: pylon Devon
INFJ AnthosBlooming erias kerawall Maylith nine9 phraggle shyHyena TheDeadGuy uncleozzy v3rgez
INFP Bill Dauterive Boldra BrooksMarlin CagedAngel cole_p Crack Rat dann dizzy Edame eeyore14 Elise Evil Catullus 1 ideath 1 JohnnyGoodyear loquacious LudditeAndroid narzos Pretzellogic Pyro qousqous Simulacron3 tarkaa TheBooBooKitty wertperch wuukiee yossarian 1 zgirll 1 zot-fot-piq 1
INTJ: apraetor Augusta C-Dawg Chattering Magpie Cletus the Foetus da-x datagirl Demeter dragoon Excalibre Halcyonide Halspal Hazelnut Hyperspace izubachi Just_Tom Kidas KilroyWasHere Lucy-S lx Magnas McCart42 Nekojin novasoy panamaus Posmella Professor Pi Stasik timgoh0 Two Sheds WaldemarExkul Wntrmute wrinkly
INTP: Andrew Aguecheek Andromache01 Ailie a scar faery Anark arieh asofel CloudStrife Diabolic Disco Jesus dwyn EggZ enth f1r3br4nd face frost JerboaKolinowski katana mirv ModernAngel mordel Morgon77 Mortice Muse Nemosyn Positronicmoron Prole Pseudo_Intellectual Pyrogenic QXZ RainDropUp renderer sekicho skongshoj Spuunbenda Starke The Custodian Twinxor Typhen Uberfetus vladkornea volfied vruba ZuG
ISFJ GreenEyed
ISFP burnboy
ISTP bbot Lockheart nocte Oni no Ng sausagehead Vonunov
ISTJ: dannye diesterne Freaek RimRod Toxick yam
MBTI types and E2 members in alphabetical order. /msg mauler to add or change an entry.
Want to see more names here? We got two dozen new entries due to enth's C!, nine due to dannye's, three due to JohnnyGoodyear's, four due to Pint's, and two due to kalen's.
1) Unconfirmed information from INFP.